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Commonly felt velvet toy cleaning and disinfection methods

  With the improvement of living standards, or plush velvet cloth toys was whether adults or children of all ages, so after a period of time played, plush toys nap easily stained with dust, it will become dirty, which when we need it to restore luster to clean it, in fact, in addition to the dry cleaners can also clean themselves outside some less big plush toys, especially today collected some common and practical method for your reference and choice.
  When buying stuffed toys, the body will have a listing indicated cleaning method, if not you can ask the clerk how to find maintenance and cleaning, furthermore, to judge according to their material, such as: fluff wearing clothes, ribbons , hats, backpacks, and other accessories and so on, can disassemble and clean it, in fact, generally fluff Jieke washing unless some rare stuffed animals and more advanced, because the relationship between materials must be sent to dry.
  Option 1: a bag of material required crude salt (industrial salt or large grain) a plastic bag and
  the dirty plush toys into a plastic bag, into the amount of crude salt, and then tied the mouth, straining shake. After a few minutes, the plush toy is clean, we take a look at the salt had turned black.
  Remember: not wash withdrawing Oh! ! PS can also be used for different lengths of plush toys; fur collar and cuffs; also be used for car seat (the salt rub down on the mat can be)
  is the use of sodium chloride salt that is adsorbed on the dirt effect, because the salt has a strong sterilization effect, not only cleaning the toys, but also effectively kill bacteria and viruses. You can learn by analogy, plush collar, little things inside the car plush cushions and the like can also be used this method to "clean."
  2: The materials required water, detergent Silky, soft brush (or other tool may be used instead)
  Placed in pots before Silky detergent and water, stirring the pot with the general soft brush or other means of water was stirred a rich foam, a soft brush and then dipped in a foam brush clean the surface of the stuffed toy, some be careful not to stick too much water on the brush. After plush toys brush clean the surface of the towel wrap plush toys, into a basin filled with water washing pressure, so that dust and the washing liquid in the plush toys can be cleaned. The plush toy is then added into the basin suitable softener soak a few minutes, and then filled with water in the wash basin pressure several times, until the water in the tub becomes clear cloudy. The plush toys are still clean with a towel wrapped into the washing machine gentle dehydration, after dehydration plush toys and plastic comb through the ventilated place to dry. In this way they can and beloved plush toys intimate.
  Note to dry in a ventilated place to dry, it is best not exposure, can not but the sun is not the sun not kill, exposure easy to change color
  Option 3: larger and more suitable for electronic, sounding like a plush toy
  relatively simple first approach , suitable for larger "dry" volume of plush toys. Buy a bag of baking soda, the baking soda and dirty plush toys into a big plastic bag, tie the bag shaken vigorously, will slowly find plush toys become clean. Finally, soda powder by the adsorption of the dirt and become dark gray, soda ash can be removed to get rid of. This method is more suitable for larger plush toys and plush toys will sound.
  The second method is suitable for small volume plush toys. In order to prevent the small parts wear plush toys, the fitting portion plush toy with taped into the laundry bag rubbing washing mode selected washing and drying, the suspension shade to dry. When dry can pat plush toys, so fur, filler fluffy and soft, plush toys shape after such cleaning will be better restitution.
  We usually put the right amount of washing detergent in water can be disinfected. While washing, an appropriate amount may be added to the detergent or liquid detergent for disinfection, to achieve the anti-mite and antibacterial features. In addition to the above method may also draw users are given other hand, water washing, wiping method and sun method, washing method, sterilization.
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